The Mindful Drinking Blog

bad work day

How to Moderate Alcohol After a Bad Day at Work

Work-related stress can take a toll on emotional health, contributing to feelings of anxiety and depression. It’s not uncommon to want to turn to alcohol as a way to unwind and forget about the stress of the day. We at Sunnyside understand. A few after-work glasses of work can take the edge off that stress you’re feeling.

blog-fight cravings

10 Things You Can Do Right Now to Battle Cravings At Home

Here at Sunnyside, we know it can be challenging to resist cravings and temptations. But with the right activities, you can stay on track and feel good about your progress. Here are 10 great suggestions for activities you can do right now to combat cravings for alcohol—without ever leaving your home.

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8 Habit Replacements to Curb Alcohol Consumption

Do you automatically reach for alcohol after dinner? Maybe your subconscious response to a stressful day at work is to pour yourself a couple of glasses of wine. 

Drinking alcohol in itself isn’t a bad habit. However, when your drinking habits affect your work, studies, finances, or relationships, it could be due time to change them.

reframe vs sunnyside

Reframe vs. Sunnyside: Which is right for your mindful drinking journey?

So if you’re reading this, you’re probably searching for a way to improve your relationship with alcohol to some degree.  We encourage you to find the solution that’s right for what you need right now. But most likely you’ve heard of both Sunnyside and Reframe. In this article we’ll tell you why we think you should use Sunnyside (that’s us!) and why you might consider Reframe as an alternative. 


7 Ways to Stay Super Hydrated When You Choose to Drink Alcohol

We’ve all heard the drink more water mantra, and yet, most of us still can’t find a way to make it happen. About 78% of Americans are functioning in a chronic state of dehydration — and most of us aren’t even aware of it (or how much it affects us).

Changing our drinking habits takes time and effort — planning for success and all the obstacles you’ll have to overcome is something you can’t overlook.

blog- communicate mindful drinking

20+ Phrases To Use Around Friends When You’re Trying to Drink Mindfully

In this article, we’ll go over some phrases (that might be out of your comfort zone, which is not a bad thing) to help you stay on track. We’re here to guide you through those tricky social situations, including pressure from friends to drink more (because somehow that doesn’t seem to end, even as you get older).