Last Updated on May 19, 2023
Today we’re excited to announce a new partnership with Found, an online weight care program that’s designed around your unique biology to make weight loss safe, effective and sustainable.They make weight loss and maintenance achievable by providing an individualized, medically-guided program, with prescription medication as appropriate, that leads to lasting results. As we talked with Found we found several similarities in our approaches, the most important of which is deeply listening to members and helping them create a personalized path to success.
Sunnyside members get a $20 discount on their Found membership using code SUNNYSIDE during checkout. Learn more here.
Why partner with a weight care program?
From day one of launching Sunnyside, losing weight has been the second most popular top goal for new members joining the program. While the number fluctuates a bit overtime, it’s been surprisingly consistent around the 18% mark. The top goal is “Improve Overall Health”, so we can say with confidence that a large number of Sunnyside members join in order to help manage their weight, and likely many in the “Improve Overall Health” camp are also aiming to improve their diet by decreasing alcohol consumption.

It’s well known that alcohol is loaded with empty calories that do virtually no good for the body. While we often choose to consume alcohol for its ability to relax us and help us socialize, we know that it’s not helping us maintain a healthy weight or diet, especially in excess.
This isn’t lost on Sunnyside members. On average, they cut out 1,500 calories in their first 30 days by reducing the number of drinks they consume by a moderate amount (we never pressure people to quit drinking). Over time through hundreds of thousands of conversations with our members, we’ve come to hear about the results directly from our members too:
“Cutback coach has helped me reduce drinking, lose a bit of weight, and feel better, all while not shaming me in the process!” – Shekhar
“Since joining I have been losing weight while not spending so much money on alcohol.” – Sharon
“I lost two pounds in three weeks just cutting my habit down a little. My dry day is easy too.” – Cheryl
“My weight is down, I sleep better, and best of all, No More Hangovers! I highly recommend it.” – Lindabel
By partnering with Found, we’re hoping to provide a new resource to our members who may be looking for a more purpose-built solution for weight care and management that follows a similar philosophy and approach to Sunnyside, one that’s not focused on a crash diet filled with restrictions, but rather a scientifically proven, personalized approach.
Weight care and mindful drinking go hand in hand
As we can see above, weight care is a top reason for people to begin a more mindful approach to drinking alcohol. Although reducing by only a few drinks per week might not seem like a lot, there’s plenty of evidence to support that a single drink before bed can negatively impact sleep and add extra calories, two things that will inhibit weight care.
Similarly, mindful drinking should be a cornerstone to any weight care plan. While no amount of alcohol is always going to be the healthiest, Sunnyside and Found are not about preaching all-or-nothing approaches. We think it’s important that people find balance and prioritize their overall long-term wellness. In that spirit, if you are considering a weight care plan for yourself, we highly recommend giving mindful drinking a shot to build healthier drinking habits.
Our approaches are aligned
At Sunnyside we’ve helped tens of thousands of people develop a healthier relationship with alcohol because we understand that sobriety is a blocker for most people. It’s this critical learning that has led us to create a personalized program that really listens to our members and helps them cut back on alcohol with no pressure to quit. Sure, some of our members do end up not drinking alcohol, but by far most Sunnyside members continue to incorporate alcohol in their lives, just in a healthier, much more proactive manner.
It’s important to us at Sunnyside that our members build a foundation based on education and understanding so they can make lasting habit change using our proven methods. We’re not just a ‘crash diet’ that helps you take a break from alcohol. We help people create a lifetime of healthier living through our tools, coaching, community, and analytics.
Found follows a very similar approach and philosophy.
Found described themselves to me as the solution that people seek when they realize diets don’t work because up to 70% of our weight is connected to our biology which can’t be addressed by diet alone. When they want a solution to weight care that’s personalized, listens to their needs, and understands there’s more to it than counting calories, hundreds of thousands of people have joined Found
As they put it, “We wanted something that stopped focusing on short term weight loss and started emphasizing long term weight care. Something backed by science, not just by celebrities.” Found believes:
- That everyone should have access to proven methods of weight care.
- That weight loss is more complex than eat less, move more.
- That biology, psychology, and social contributors all influence weight care.
Found doesn’t just look and sound like Sunnyside in its personalized approach. Their members see similar results in terms of impact and results that last. Found members see an average loss of 5% body weight by month 3 and 10% by month 6, and they learn to maintain those wins.
How does Found work?
The Found program provides an easy, online method to get one-on-one medical, nutritional, and movement guidance, all from the comfort of your own home.
Similar to Sunnyside, the first step is the evaluation, where you work with a board-certified medical provider to find the right weight loss medication to fit your unique biology.
The medication is personalized to you and isn’t a one-size-fits all approach. Some mediations work on the reward center of your brain to curb emotional eating and cravings for certain foods. Other medications help stabilize blood sugar, shrink your appetite, or help you feel more satisfied with less food.
As you begin to take your medication, you log your goal weight in the app and choose lifestyle focuses to improve habits and routines. At this step you can start to utilize the Found digital app, program, and content created by medical experts to power your weight loss journey.
What are the results that people see with Found?
Found has nearly universally positive reviews online, and of course many members who have provided verified reviews of their experience:

If you’re interested in trying Found as a complement to the Sunnyside experience and a holistic approach to weight care, Sunnyside members get a $20 discount on their Found membership using code SUNNYSIDE during checkout.