New Research Reveals That Sunnyside’s Adaptive Approach Can Decrease Alcohol Consumption by 33% in 12 weeks

New Research Reveals That Sunnyside’s Adaptive Approach Can Decrease Alcohol Consumption by 33% in 12 weeks

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Last Updated on October 2, 2024

This article references the August 2024 ACER study titled “Self-reported alcohol consumption during participation in a text messaging-based online drinking moderation platform”, available here: Sunnyside’s data was used for the study, but we weren’t involved in the research and analysis. The related press release is available here.

As the negative effects of alcohol become more universally accepted and understood, the need for flexible, accessible solutions to support alcohol moderation and mindfulness is undeniable. But for many, there is still a question of, “where do I even start?” 

Enter Sunnyside. Since 2020 we’ve been building a unique alcohol moderation program to help answer exactly this question. Sunnyside is designed from the ground up to be proactive, optimistic, and most importantly, accessible for anyone who drinks alcohol but wants to cut back. To date, Sunnyside has been the starting point for over 350,000 people looking to  improve their relationship to alcohol. 

Since day one, we have employed real-time, adaptive text messaging as a core pillar of the experience. Now four years into building Sunnyside, we’ve proven with a third party study that our text message approach is highly effective, demonstrating that digital intervention is an effective tool for anyone looking to achieve healthier drinking habits.

Why Sunnyside Stands Out

At Sunnyside, we take a modern, refreshing approach to helping people drink less alcohol or eventually quit. We don’t insist on sober streaks and abstinence because we know that’s not right for everyone. Instead, we offer a more personalized approach to help people build and sustain less harmful and healthy drinking habits without the pressure to quit. And if you eventually do want to quit, we fully support that path as well. With the use of adaptive and personalized text messages, we offer a different way for members to receive real-time tracking and support, creating a sense of accountability without judgment.

This particular feature allows Sunnyside to meet people where they are while providing a low cost and high touch approach that is not common amongst other tracking or sobriety based programs. This makes Sunnyside a perfect option for those who are part of the 40% of U.S. adults who want to change their drinking habits but are unsure where to begin.

The Study

An August 2024 study published in Alcohol: Clinical & Experimental Research analyzed the drinking habits of 46,000 moderate to heavy drinkers who used Sunnyside, and found they reduced their alcohol consumption by 33% on average in 12 weeks with the use of our personalized SMS-based program.*

That’s a third of their usual intake—without having to quit drinking altogether! 

“The results are a game-changer for anyone looking to build healthier drinking habits,” said Nick Allen, co-founder and CEO of Sunnyside. “This study confirms a wide body of clinical research in a real-world setting, demonstrating that real-time, adaptive text messaging is particularly effective for sustained habit change around alcohol. What makes these results even more exciting is the accessibility of our approach—Sunnyside is proven to help individuals make significant changes without the rigid expectations of abstinence-focused programs.”

Top Motivations for Changing Drinking Habits

This study does more than just highlight how effective the program is—it also gives us a deeper look into why people join and what they’re hoping to achieve. While cutting back on drinking is a shared goal, the reasons behind it vary. Some want to improve their health, others are looking to lose weight, avoid hangovers, or just get better sleep. In fact, 78.5% of members noted having significant concerns about their drinking habits but don’t necessarily want to quit entirely.

  • Improving overall health and wellness: 47.8% (22,182 members)
  • Losing weight: 24.3% (11,284 members)
  • Avoiding hangovers and next-day effects: 10.9% (5,055 members)
  • Stopping blackouts or gray-outs: 8.2% (3,813 members)
  • Sleeping better and increasing energy: 3.7% (1,696 members)
  • Reducing reliance on alcohol in social situations: 3.1% (1,455 members)
  • Saving money: 0.8% (383 members)

Who Uses Sunnyside? A Snapshot of User Demographics

Based on 32,350 members who provided their age, Sunnyside’s user base is largely midlife adults, particularly women. The breakdown includes:

  • Age 21–25: 0.7%
  • Age 26–30: 5.5%
  • Age 31–35: 13.3%
  • Age 36–40: 17.1%
  • Age 41–45: 18.0%
  • Age 46–55: 26.1%
  • Age 56–65: 14.7%
  • Age 66+: 4.6%

The largest group of users (26.1%) falls within the 46–55 age range, underscoring the need for accessible solutions for midlife adults, especially as more people look to alcohol moderation to support long-term wellness goals.

Our members come from all walks of life, with the largest portion being midlife adults, particularly women between 46-55. Why is this important? Let’s talk about that. 

Why This Matters Now

The awareness of alcohol moderation has significantly increased in recent years, driven by emerging trends within certain demographics. National sentiment surveys show that 42% of people believe Gen Z is driving the sober-curious movement, with 39% thinking younger generations are drinking less overall. But what’s really happening with drinking habits across different demographics?

Data from the National Institute on Drug Abuse supports this trend, particularly among young adults aged 19-30, who have reduced both daily and binge drinking over the past decade. Daily drinking dropped from 6.0% in 2012 to 4.6% in 2022, signaling a cultural shift toward moderation. However, while young adults are cutting back, a different picture is emerging among older adults.

In the same National Institute on Drug Abuse report, it was revealed that alcohol consumption among adults aged 35-60 has increased, with binge drinking rising by nearly 7% from 2012 to 2022. This spike, largely attributed to the pandemic, has serious health implications, particularly for women.

A JAMA Health Forum study reported a sharp rise in alcohol-related liver disease complications among women aged 40-64 during the pandemic, with increases ranging from 33.3% to 56.0%. Additionally, a recent study from US News found that while alcohol-related deaths are rising for both men and women, the rate of increase is significantly faster among women.

Our study reveals that 81% of Sunnyside members are women, with many between the ages of 46-55. This highlights the growing demand for accessible alcohol moderation solutions, particularly for midlife women who face higher health risks from drinking alcohol. With the majority of our female members driven by long-term health and wellness goals, it’s crucial to offer tailored, personalized support to meet their specific needs and also to meet them where they are at. 

A Flexible Path to Healthier Drinking Habits

Sunnyside’s industry-leading text message-based approach is proving to be a game changer in the world of alcohol moderation. The study showing a 33% reduction in alcohol consumption through Sunnyside’s personalized messaging is not just a statistic—it’s a testament to how digital interventions can empower people to make meaningful changes. This kind of success highlights why adaptive, real-time support is crucial: it’s an easy program that meets people where they are, offering the accountability and encouragement they need without the pressure to quit altogether.

As more individuals, particularly women in midlife, seek flexible solutions to improve their health, The Sunnyside App is leading the way with its accessible, non-judgmental approach—helping users create lasting, healthier drinking habits at their own pace.

If you’re looking for a place to start, look no further – The Sunnyside App is here to help. Sign-up and learn more at

* While Sunnyside contributed privatized data for the study, analysis was provided by a 3rd party. View the study here and the related press release here.