What is Sober(ish) October?

What is Sober(ish) October?

Soberish October 2024

Last Updated on September 26, 2024

Sober(ish) October: Embrace the Challenge of Mindful Drinking

You’ve probably heard the term “Sober October” light up within the last few years. If you’re someone who likes to experiment within the Non-Alcoholic world or have sought to cut back on alcohol for health and lifestyle, you’ve likely done some deep diving. For everyone else you may be thinking…what is it and what’s the point!?

Sober(ish) October is a month-long challenge, dedicated to reassessing our relationship with alcohol. Now why the parentheses? Sober October was the first coined term encouraging people to go fully dry for all 31 days in October, however we here at Sunnyside believe cutting back looks different for everyone.

Whether you’re trying to go fully dry, cut back half of your weekly intake or only drink on weekends – This is where the ‘ISH’ part comes in! This isn’t just another health fad, it’s an invitation to explore the nuances of mindful drinking and to discover the benefits that come with taking a break or reducing consumption. (You may find yourself surprised!).

In this blog, we will explore all of the resources + benefits Sunnyside provides ahead of a monthly challenge. We’ll dive into how Sunnyside helps create a strong sense of community while also discussing some of the obstacles our members face and how to tackle them head on. Curious about what a challenge exactly looks like? We have many different options to share with you!

Ready to join the Soberish October challenge? Click here.

Benefits of Soberish October:

Okay you’ve got the spiel, so far it looks like Sober(ish) October is a great option for alcohol reduction, but what else? Don’t worry, we’ve got the breakdown. There’s many benefits that come along with reducing alcohol consumption, but please keep in mind that everyone and their body is different so not all challenges are one size fits all, however these are some of the best benefits we’ve seen from our users and Challenge participants alike.

Physical Health:

One of the most immediate benefits of reducing alcohol intake is improved physical health. Cutting back can lead to better liver function, increased energy levels, and even weight loss. Many participants report feeling more refreshed and healthier overall after just a month of mindful drinking. Another big factor is improving sleep – It’s already hard enough to “Turn Off” when we’re living in a day and age so hyper connected to everything. Alcohol may in theory take the edge off, but ultimately doesn’t benefit in long term sleep habits.

Mental Health:

The benefits extend beyond the physical. Many individuals experience a boost in mental clarity and mood. Alcohol can contribute to anxiety and depression, and taking a break allows for a clearer mind and improved emotional well-being. Soberish October provides a perfect opportunity to cultivate more mindful and achievable coping mechanisms.

Financial Savings:

Maybe you’ve never thought about it or maybe you’ve had a tiny inkling while you’re enjoying a cocktail that you’re suddenly $40 deep off two drinks. By reducing your consumption, you’ll likely notice a difference in your wallet. Think about the money you’ll save not just on drinks but also on late-night takeout and hangover “cures”. These savings can be redirected toward experiences that foster well-being, no matter what that looks like to you! Travel, fitness classes, developing new hobbies and skills.

Social Connections:

Alcohol is believed to “loosen” people up, with many believing they may be more fun or even more sociable while drinking. However you may be thrilled to realize you’re just as vibrant (if not more!) during all the times you choose to moderate or stay dry. Reducing alcohol consumption encourages deeper connections as you engage with friends and family in new and familiar settings. What’s better than jumping into something headfirst with no distractions? We bet you’ll even meet some people you wouldn’t expect to who are also navigating the world of alcohol moderation – your new social circle could be just around the corner.

Tips for Success

As we embark on Sober(ish) October, we want to equip you with valuable tips that will help you thrive during this month of self-reflection and healthier choices. By sharing these insights, we aim to empower you to embrace the benefits of reducing alcohol consumption, such as improved mental clarity, better sleep, and enhanced overall well-being. You’ll learn practical strategies for navigating social situations, finding satisfying alternatives to drinks, and staying motivated throughout the month. You don’t have to do this alone!

Set Personal Goals

Start by defining what “soberish” means to you. Is it complete abstinence? Reducing your intake? Setting specific, achievable goals will help keep you accountable and motivated. You can always reevaluate how you’d like to navigate challenges but we encourage you to stick with your initial plan! If you have a day where you find yourself having a drink, it’s not always a slip up, it’s about how to choose to continue in the days ahead.

Find Alternatives

Explore the world of non-alcoholic beverages. From mocktails to alcohol-free beers, there are countless options that can satisfy your cravings without the hangover. Parties and gatherings can be challenging. We encourage planning ahead by deciding how you’ll navigate certain social events. You can opt for sparkling water or other non-alcoholic drinks, and if necessary, have an exit strategy. My personal favorite method? BYONA – Bring Your Own Non-Alcoholic! Most people bring their choice of drinks to socials events. If you bring in a bottle of Non-Alcoholic wine, a case of NA Beer or NA mocktails, you’d be surprised how many people are interested or find out you’re onto something.

What IS the Soberish October Challenge?

Here at Sunnyside, challenges mean helping you (and ourselves!) work on what feels the best for your future achievements without feeling overwhelmed on where to start and losing motivation along the way. Sober(ish) October along with other month challenges include a variety of different paths, While Dry January focuses mostly on staying dry, October allows for a smooth and manageable transition before you decide to hit a full dry month (or mostly dry!). We like to think of October as the introduction for many people if they’ve never done a challenge or if you’re simply just trying to reset or develop new habits before the new year. It’s a great reminder to get started or the ideal motivation to kickstart health goals, mental and physical alike.

Sunnyside October challenges include

  • Weeknight Dry Challenge – Finding yourself having additional drinks throughout the week? One of the best challenges is cutting out drinks on weekdays and keeping all the drinking related activities for the weekend only! This is a popular and great challenge for those wanting to start a challenge and not wanting to feel overwhelmed with alternatives.
  • Drink 50% Less Challenge – Not sure where to start? Sunnyside will help you break down your weekly drinking habits and the perfect challenge to start is cutting that amount in half – not only will you be drinking less but likely notice a huge change in expenses.
  • Custom Challenge – That’s right! Create your own 31 day challenge that best fits your lifestyle and aligns with your goals. You can work closely with a Sunnyside Coach to work out the perfect plan.
  • Cut 30% in 30 Days – Not ready to cut back 50%? Not a problem! Cutting back 30% of your drink intake is a great starting ground and a fantastic method to find your footing in your habits and evaluate your goals.
  • Fully Dry Challenge – Some of you may want to jump right into a Dry Month! Whether you’re swinging big or have done Dry challenges before, this is the challenge to reap the most reward but may require additional support if it’s your first go around.

Resources and Support

There are numerous resources available to support you through Soberish October. Books and podcasts about mindful drinking can offer guidance and inspiration. Here at Sunnyside we have accessibility to live coaches, community sharing to discuss and support yourself and others in app and plenty of like-minded people across our social platforms.If you haven’t stumbled across our Podcast, you’d be thrilled to know there’s info about almost every topic around drinking, and we’re always making more!


Soberish October is more than just a month of reduced alcohol consumption; it’s an opportunity to embrace a healthier lifestyle and reflect on your choices. By taking part, you might uncover unexpected benefits—physically, mentally, and socially. So, whether you choose to go completely sober or simply dial back your drinking, consider taking the plunge this October. Share your journey, engage with others, and discover the rewards of a mindful approach to drinking.

Sunnyside is here to help you every step of the way, whether that means signing up for the App, joining a challenge or simply just absorbing all of our resources across social media – We have your back!

Let’s make this October a month of growth and self-discovery.

Looking to join the challenge? Click here!